Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Five Signs Your Law Firm Needs New Energy

Law firms that lack energy dim their prospects for the future.  Too often law firms pass over the issue of their own vibrancy (whether by a failure of recognition or simple indifference) and plod along without taking corrective action.  A becalmed law firm, especially in these times of legal industry disruption, is flirting with danger.

Allowing a firm’s malaise to continue can institutionalize a momentum towards decline.  It fosters a culture where expectations are lessened and acceptance of mediocrity metastasizes.  A lack of energy cannot go on for long or it will grow into a potentially irreversible condition.  If a firm finds its energy levels scaling down, it must take quick action.

Recognizing that an energy issue exists is the first step.  Is the firm’s vibrancy at levels that are below acceptable?  How can it know?  Five common signs of a law firm’s waning energy can include: